We have already equipped many schools with suitable audio solutions. It is also about enabling a better learning experience and outcome. The fact is: a good PA application technology helps students hear and learn more clearly and effortlessly – and teachers to be better heard. But that's just the tip of the iceberg of what good PA application technology can do for schools.
1.) A good audio solution enables higher learning success
The ability to hear the teacher is critical for student learning success. Various studies (for example, of the research network "LEAD" at the University of Tübingen) show that students in the back rows of the classroom miss up to 30 percent of their lessons. In addition, hearing loss is becoming more common among young people. Younger students in particular, or students for whom German is a foreign language, can miss large parts of what teachers and students say in class. The reasons are manifold:
This is a major avoidable disadvantage. By distributing the teacher's voice evenly throughout the room, Audio Solutions from MONACOR overcomes these obstacles in the classroom. The result is better reading and writing ability, understanding, and test results for all students.
The most important measurable benefit: better academic performance through good PA application
School evaluations show again and again that classes with a sound system perform better overall: in terms of language performance, reading and spelling, but also in all other areas of learning. Sound field studies such as the MARRS project (USA 2005) show that amplifying the teacher's voice results in exceptional improvement in reading and language test results for students at all class levels. Some studies have shown an improvement in academic test results by up to 10%.
2) A good audio solution makes students more attentive and promotes interaction and participation
Being able to listen is a learnable skill that requires practice. It is often difficult, especially for younger students, to listen attentively and continuously. They have to absorb a lot of information for hours and are not yet as confident with the language as most adults. As the school day progresses, concentration decreases more and more. A good audio solution in the classroom helps students listen more effortlessly, follow the lesson more closely, and reduces fatigue. This applies not only to the amplification of the teacher's voice, but also to the use of audio elements in the lesson such as songs, spoken examples or podcast excerpts. These methods increase motivation and thus the active participation of the students in the lesson.